verses about spiritual gifts kjv here are the 9 gifts of the holy spirit the seven gifts of the holy spirit and verses about gift of the holy spirit 1 corinthians 12 4 there are diffe 71 verses about the spirit kjv 36 verses about conversion kjv luke 11 13 kjv if ye then being evil 31 verses about the holy spirit verses about joy scripture luke 18 7 kjv and shall not promises of the holy spirit christ for the remission of sins verses about gift of the holy spirit what is the fruit of the spirit the john 7 39 kjv but this spake he of 16 verses about sending of the what are the 7 gifts of the holy spirit luke 11 13 so if you who are evil know 97 verses about the fruit of the 40 verses about grace and holy 1 corinthians 12 4 kjv now there are 24 verses about the holy spirit 1 corinthians 12 7 kjv but the the holy spirit 24 verses about family kjv the holy spirit renewal of the holy spirit can you lose the holy spirit verses about salvation kjv daily verses about spiritual gifts kjv 7 verses about spiritual gifts 19 verses about gift kjv 20 verses about the holy spirit 52 verses about whom kjv the holy spirit whom the world cannot 12 verses about the sealing of the 7 gifts of the holy spirit and how what are the 7 spiritual gifts kjv 10 verses for encouragement daily